Benefits Of Foam Rolling – Give Your Muscles A Positive Push
Is muscle soreness a regular concern for you? You might need to do a little work on your mobility, or you are just more prone to injuries than others. Regardless, foam rolling can help you get rid of your woes. Foam rolling can effectively reduce tension and increase muscle length, both in the case of a pre-workout warm-up and post-exercise active recovery. Also known as self-myofascial release, foam rolling to reduce the tension in the muscles is a widely used fitness practice today.
So, what possible benefits can you expect from foam rolling? Let’s have a look.
1. Helps calm muscle Pains and Soreness
Foam rolling can alleviate tension and may be helpful in reducing localized pain. Tight muscles and tissues in the glutes and quads are partially responsible for Sciatica pain, for instance. A session of gentle foam rolling would help loosen up these tight tissues and prevent sciatic nerve compression. Just make sure that you first talk to your doctor about treating such a condition at home as sciatica pain may be a symptom of a serious underlying spinal problem.
Furthermore, foam rolling may also help you avoid and ease muscle soreness caused due to physical exercise. It helps in reducing delayed onset muscle soreness that is commonly experienced within 24-48 hours of a heavy workout. Increased workout intensity, overuse, and injury can result in muscular shortening that reduces mobility. With foam rolling, you can break up any scar tissue buildup in your muscles. It also helps increase blood flow into the muscles to provide them with more oxygen and nutrients. As a result, your muscles feel and perform a lot better.
2. Improve range of motion and Mobility
Shortened fascia and muscles are often responsible for poor mobility as they cause muscular trigger points or knots. Obviously, the shortened muscles will affect your mobility and range of motion, and you experience muscular fatigue and pain due to trigger points. Foam rolling helps break those trigger points and scar tissue to let your muscles stretch further. It helps them recover back to normal and increases the range of motion.
3. Relaxes your body tension
Have a hard, stressful work routine? Do you often come home with your shoulders and neck tense due to a long day of sitting at your desk? Foam rolling can help. A simple 10-minutes session would help relieve body tension and muscle tightness by increasing blood flow as well as the elasticity of joints, fascia, and muscle tissue.
4. Improves muscle imbalance and Posture
The human body wants to stay in a natural equilibrium but external influences and posture gravity tend to put a strain on its muscular balances. Foam rolling helps restore mobility and improve muscular function to naturally allow any imbalances to be corrected and restored.
5. Faster Recovery from workouts
Foam rolling helps with the reduction of post-workout muscle soreness, promoting faster recovery. Muscle adhesions can form due to the inflammation that naturally happens during tissue repair and lacking movement after a workout. The muscle repair process begins due to the muscle damage caused by the exercise. During this process, the body forms new collagen molecules to repair any injured tissue. Lacking proper tissue movement during this time can cause the collagen to bind between muscle layers and lead to adhesions. These adhesions can be avoided simply by using foam rollers after your workouts and faster recovery is ensured.
There are many more benefits of foam rolling, and adding it to your routine fitness practice is always a good idea. So, get a foam roller today and start rolling!